Will I ever draw what I love?

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Angelicangel69's avatar

I haven't drawn in two months now. No mojo. No being in the mood to do it. Just nothing. It sucks. Really does. I would say longer but I have been drawing in college for my graded unit. So yeah, feels weird not doing it. I did draw loads before my holiday. Piled them all up and I  was going to do a big submit but when I went over them. All I saw were the flaws. So much flaws. Did not want to show them to anyone and they were deleted. Felt ashamed of them. Did not feel like I have improved. That might be why I stopped. I pretty much quit. I quit drawing. 

I quit.

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RPfan580's avatar
I get like this all the time when I draw in my sketch book. I just look and it's like "burn it all" But when i look in my sketch books now vs sketch books of the past I do see vast improvements.

While it is important to draw what makes you happy and draw all the time to improve, it's also important to step back and takes breaks. Breath, scroll through the interweb, play some video games, these are just the few things I do when art bums me out. That and drawing silly things helps too.